My Tn Story 2

6:45 PM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Pada awalnya di tahun 1999, ketika sedang makan saya terkejut karena di daerah gigi saya seperti kesetrum, saya pikir ahhh, paling salah gigit....tapi ini terus berlanjut lama lama waktu bicara juga sama seperti kesetrum....akhirnya saya memeriksakan diri ke dokter gigi (katanya yg bagus di RSAL Mintohardjo - LADOKGI), karena rasa sakit itu adanya di sekitar gusi...setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan, dokter waktu itu mengatakan bahwa gigi saya terlalu banyak jadi gigi sehingga menekan syaraf, sehingga gigi saya yang paling belakang harus dicabut....akhirnya gigi saya dicabut...Dan setelah itu lumayan sakitnya tidak timbul lagi...

Seminggu setelah itu...kembali sakit itu timbul... dan lama kelamaan mulut seperti kaku dan sulit untuk bicara atau makan.... kemudian istri saya membawa ke dokter spesialis rahang di RS Medistra - Jakarta..settelah dilakukan pemerikasaan .. dokter menyatakan bahwa ini adalah sakit syaraf... dan sakit ini jarang... namanya trigeminal neuralgia...kemudian beliau mereferensikan ke dokter syaraf di RSPAD Gatot Subroto..yaitu dr Joko (specialis bedah syaraf)...

Dan disana dilakukan pemerikasaan dengan CT-Scan... dan diputuskan bahwa ini adalah trigeminal neuralgia... atau istilah awamnya syaraf kejepit syaraf ke lima....dan dokter memberikan obat tegretol dengan dosis 3 * 200mg....

Setelah itu lumayan sakitnya berkurang....tapi kemudian setelah beberapa lama... timbul lagi dan makin sakit....kemudian istri mereferensikan ke dr Lukas Budiono (specialis bedah syaraf) untuk second opnion.. dan diberikan kapsul campur yg terdiri antara lain amitripylin, sakit lumayan berkurang setelah itu... tetapi kemudian makin sakit lagi.... akhirnya diputuskan untuk dilakukan operasi ringan PRGR(yaitu dilakukan penyuntikan Glicerol melalui pipi dan alat dimasukan ke dalam hingga mencapai ke ganglion syaraf di dalam kepala...Ini dilakukan sekitar tahun 2001....dan akhirnya saya sembuh dan dapat bicara dan makan secara normal kembali....

My TN Story 1

3:11 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Can you imagine feeling a shock in your face as you brush your teeth or shave? If you have trigeminal neuralgia (TN), you may know exactly what it's like. You may feel extreme numbness, tingling or burning on a part of your face. Any vibration on your face, even from talking, can set it off. The condition may come and go, disappearing for days or even months. But the longer you have it, the less often it goes away.


My how those words rang out over and over!!! My Trigeminal Neuralgia story began in 1999 in the "typical" fashion. My face hurt, no must be my teeth, hmmm... Well, the dentist will fix this. That was the start of 3 months of doctor, dentist, doctor, dentist, oral surgeon, doctor, neurologist, etc.

We discovered that this was something that the elderly got or someone who had Multiple Sclerosis. I did not fall into either category, I was only 29!!!

Trigeminal Neuralgia is an extremely painful neurological disorder affecting the trigeminal nerve in the brain. While the root or ganglion of the nerve itself is located near the brain stem, behind the ear, the pain from the irritation of this nerve is felt in the face, gums, tongue, throat, eye, eyebrow, or lips, depending on which branch of the nerve is affected. It is thought to be the most painful affliction known to humankind. Prognosis is not terminal -- most patients just wish it were!

I am interested in providing information and support to others with the disease, or living with someone who has the disease. Below are some links to my personal experiences with the disease, a mailing list that provides support for sufferers, and links to good resources that are both Trigeminal Neuralgia-specific or are medically-related.


Free E-Book

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